Adele Porter’s life finally seems to be improving when her bipolar mother lands a well-paying job and moves them into a comfortable condo in a new city. However, this all changes when Adele’s mother suddenly abandons her. Melody Carson’s Forgotten: Seventeen and Homeless shows Adele’s rise to a faux-rich and popular high school senior and her fall to a homeless, friendless girl living in an old van nicknamed Darth Vader.
The premise of this young adult book is interesting and heartbreaking. Adele is a well-developed character that captures reader’s hearts. Her story reinforces how easily anyone can become homeless. Her life seems to get worse and worse until she finally seeks the help of a pastor she meets at a local mission. Up until this point, Adele does not have much faith in God. Since Forgotten is a Christian work, I felt this transformation was rather predictable.
While the book focuses on Adele, many other characters with interesting histories are introduced. However, each one completely vanishes with no explanation as to what happens to them. For example, Adele meets Cybil, another homeless teenager. She also meets a seemingly nice coworker named Genevieve. Then, there is Adele’s mother. Readers are not told what happens to any of these characters. I believe these characters simply vanish, to let readers experience what Adele is going through. Neither Adele nor the reader has any idea what happens to these people. Still, I would have liked to know their outcome.
Overall, Forgotten: Seventeen and Homeless was a good and fast read. I would recommend this book to readers interested in teenage and young adult fiction.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."
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