Monday, November 29, 2010

Topical Memory System (TMS) by The Navigators

The Topical Memory System (TMS) uses a simple technique to teach you how to memorize scriptures that can be recalled during hard times. The kit contains a workbook, booklet of perforated 2½" x 1¾” flashcards and a flashcard holder. Eight different versions of each verse are included in the program. The workbook provides a plan to learn two scriptures a week for thirty weeks. Quizzes, tips, and discussion questions are included with each weekly Bible study.

Although the methods employed in this book are very basic, they actually work shockingly well. When reviewing scripture, the program stresses saying the topic, the reference, the verse, and then the reference again. This will help to categorize the verses as well as ensuring that you can locate the verses in the Bible. Once a set of scriptures have been memorized, it is important to practice them in any spare moments of time that arise.

I am very surprised at the progress I am making with the Topical Memory System. Memorizing information has never been my strong point, but I am actually able to do it with this program. I highly recommend this program to others. It is very easy to jump into and start building your own scripture reservoir. Once I started learning, I found myself repeating scriptures while scrambling eggs or vacuuming. Anyone serious about Bible study should absolutely invest in this program.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

Friday, November 26, 2010

Becoming a Woman of Simplicity by Cynthia Heald

Careers, spouses, children, volunteerism and chores are just a few of the urgencies that women face. Cynthia Heald’s Becoming a Woman of Simplicity (2009) teaches women how to de-clutter their lives and reduce unnecessary distractions. Each chapter of this eleven-week Bible study follows a strict pattern. She opens each chapter with a scripture, quotation from a Christian writer and anecdote from Heald’s life or someone close. She then directs readers to different Biblical passages and provides discussion questions. Finally, she ends with a “thoughts from an older woman section” and a suggested verse to remember. Heald’s bible study can be used in groups or by individuals.

Giving the recent technology developments that place computers, smart phones, and other devices constantly within our grasps, Heald’s claim that simplicity outranks multitasking seems outdated at first glance. Heald, however, clearly explains that our ever-present goal in life should be to get closer to God. To do this, we must ensure that we make the most efficient and best use of our time. Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to discern between a good use of our time and the best use of our time. For example, Heald experienced this when she enrolled her children in daycare so that she could take the time to read to orphan children. Heald thought she has doing the best thing with her time until God explained to her that she should be at home with her own children.

Becoming a Woman of Simplicity is a great book for someone who feels overwhelmed by their daily responsibilities. Heald proves that it is still possible to live a simple life even in a technology-driven world. Although directed to women, men will also be able to profit from this book. I highly recommend this book as a method to overcome stress.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Rules to Live By: 52 Principles for a Better Life by Jerry White

Jerry White’s Rules to Live By shows readers how to live more pleasurable, organized and successful lives. The short book consists of 52 chapters grouped into three sections: A Better You, Relationship Rules, and Enhancing Your Work and Effectiveness. While the book covers obvious principles such as organization, communication, and faith, it also addresses some less common ideas. For example, White stresses that people should strive to be both losers and winners. A successful life should strike a balance between the two extremes. White also emphasizes the importance of reading, writing, and even doing some things poorly.

52 Rules to Live By is a great book. These sections can be read straight-through or in a random order. Since the chapters do not have to be read in order, White does repeat himself at times. Several times in the book, White recounts the same stories from his days in the Air Force. He also repeatedly states his love for playing handball, which I found somewhat humorous because it shows how much he truly loves the game. Although the chapters are short and the writing style casual, the lessons are influential and valuable. I will definitely take White’s advice and implement one his techniques into my life each week. I highly recommend this book to others.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

The Treasure of God’s Word: Celebrating 400 Years of the King James Bible by Jack Countryman

Leather-bound and gilt-edged, Jack Countryman’s The Treasure of God’s Word commemorates the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. The book contains forty-five short sections that illustrate God’s love and compassion for his followers. Each section contains about ten verses, with no commentary or added information, from the King James Bible. Examples of sections include God’s Wisdom, God’s Kindness, God’s Power, Our Salvation, Our Heart, and Our Courage. A brief historical account of the creation and popularization of the King James Bible is interspersed throughout the book.

Countryman’s compilation is not designed to be an in-depth Bible study resource. It is a beautiful book to display or give as a gift. While the historical information is very basic, it is a great introduction for someone with no knowledge of the creation of the Bible or a refresher for someone who has forgotten.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Listen to Me…Looking Fit and Eating Healthy is Your Choice by Colleen Campo

Colleen Campo’s Listen to Me…Looking Fit and Eating Healthy is Your Choice is a very short 18-page motivational book that focuses on her fitness and health experiences. During her early life, Campo was able to eat whatever she wanted and still remain a steady one-hundred pounds. However, after marriage and having children, she began to experience weight gain. Tired of feeling fatigue, Campo turned to exercise. She began with cardiovascular training and soon moved up to weight-training with the aid of a personal trainer. She also adopted a healthy diet. Campo was able to do all of this while raising her three children.

Campo’s book does include a few good pieces of advice. She warns her readers to not deprive themselves of all snacks or unhealthy foods. When a craving strikes, Campo allows herself to eat pizza or a hamburger with fries. She also encourages readers to begin their workout slowly and build up to more strenuous exercise. She even includes her own exercise schedules and eating plans. In spite of its perks, I do not feel that Campo’s book was truly motivational. It contains much of the same basic eating and exercise tips that most people have already encountered. Listen to Me may provide an extra nudge to people wanting to improve their health, but it isn’t compelling or life-changing.

You can pick up a copy at the online bookstore:

I received a complimentary copy of Listen to Me…Looking Fit and Eating Healthy is Your Choice as a member of the Dorrance Publishing Book Review Team. Visit to learn how you can become a member of the Book Review Team.

Monday, November 8, 2010

City on Our Knees by TobyMac

Grammy Award winning artist, TobyMac, compiles influential stories in his book, City on Our Knees (2010), which is inspired by his hit Christian song by the same title. The stories are drawn from all over the world and range the past to present. TobyMac writes this book with the hope that we will be “inspired to see how just one person, or one small group, can be a mechanism for change.” He hopes that we will be able to step out of our comfort zone and make a difference in someone’s life.

An array of stories is included in TobyMac’s book. For example, he opens with the story of a young girl, named Alexandra Scott who is diagnosed with neuroblastoma. The four-year-old opens a lemonade stand to raise money for medical research to fight cancer. Shockingly, she earns $2,000 during her first summer. Others are inspired by her efforts and open branches of Alexandra’s lemonade stand across the nation. Other stories include missionary trips, college prayer groups, and the founding of orphanages.

TobyMac’s book is interesting and enlightening. The numerous stories provide many ideas and models for spreading faith and helping others. The book is a very fast read because each story is brief and direct. Prayers, quotations, and blog entries are included with each section. City on Our Knees is a great book that powerfully shows how individuals are capable of making a huge difference in the world.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Bethany House Publishers. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Naomi and Her Daughters by Walter Wangerin Jr

Walter Wangerin Jr creates a fictionalized retelling of the Book of Ruth in his novel, Naomi and her Daughters (2010). Having no daughters, Naomi raises an abused girl name Milcah. Sadly, Milcah is murdered on her wedding night. Naomi suffers more loss when her husband and two sons are killed during the war. Naomi’s only surviving family consists of her daughter-in-law, Ruth. The novel explores Ruth’s deep love for her mother-in-law.

Each chapter of Wangerin’s novel alternates between the past and present. Since the novel covers a vast period of time (over thirty years), this structure helps to move the novel along. The reader is thrust immediately into an action filled plot. Background information is given as the novel switches to the past. While this makes the plot more entertaining, it also makes the novel somewhat difficult to follow.

The book is very well-written. The battle scenes are vividly described. Wangerin gives a chilling description of what actually takes place on the battlefield and its aftermath. I felt as if I was with Naomi as she walked through the fields treating the injured and burying the dead. Wangerin use of violence is well-employed and justified.

Since Naomi and her Daughters is a fictionalized retelling of the Old Testament story, it does not follow exactly the same as the original. Some of the characters and details are altered. Still, Wangerin’s work does not stray too far from the Biblical text. Overall, I would recommend this book to others. The language and plot are beautifully constructed.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from Zondervan as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A Praying Life by Paul E. Miller

Prayer is definitely one of the most important parts of Christianity, but many devout followers view it as a tedious and difficult activity. Paul E. Miller’s A Praying Life (2009) teaches Christians how to make prayer the center of our lives. Prayer should not be forced and mechanical. Instead, Christians should be engaged in constant prayer as well as dedicated prayer time. Miller warns that this type of prayer requires persistent and patience to attain. In order for us to truly pray, we must do so in a childlike manner. That is, we must have the trust that children have in their parents.

Miller goes on to tackle some the most complicated areas of prayer. It is easy to keep faith when prayers are answered. However, when our prayers seem ignored, many people begin to lose faith. Miller argues that unanswered prayers are one of God’s ways to build and strengthen relationships with his children. If all of prayers were immediately answered, God would seem like an endless prayer vending machine. We would not take the time to reflect on God’s plan for our lives and stop focusing on our self-centered goals.

Miller’s A Praying Life is one the best books I have ever read on prayer. He shows readers what true prayer looks like. He even addresses smaller details such as choosing a proper location to pray. Miller brings his readers into his personal life by allowing us to read his own prayer requests. Instead of keeping a prayer list, Miller writes his prayers on cards. In addition to teaching readers this technique, he even includes some of his own cards in the book. Much of the book consists of stories from Miller’s own personal life. He includes his own doubts and troubles as well as his blessings. Each anecdote illustrates one of the aspects of prayer that Miller is explaining.

I highly recommend this book to others. It is aimed towards Christians who are skeptic about prayer. However, anyone wanting to strengthen their relationship with God should immediately read Miller’s book. Each of the short thirty-two chapters is assessable yet powerful.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from NavPress Publishers as part of their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."